AccuCount Rainbow fluoreszierende Partikel

Analysis of single nanoparticles by flow cytometry involves the measurement of weak signals that are close to the instrument’s detection limits. Distinguishing the signal from particles of interest from background particles in buffers and from optical and electronic noise can be difficult and requires careful consideration of the measurement approach, control experiments, and examination of the resulting data. 

In applying this check, we have identified an artifact resulting from inappropriate trigger channel threshold selection that may not be obvious to the casual user. When measuring weak signals near noise or background levels, it is intuitive and common for the operator to adjust the trigger threshold to minimize the „false triggers“ detected by the system, and then analyze the unknown sample. Interpreting the events detected over the background as single particle measurements. We show here that when using this approach to measure particles whose signals fall below the trigger threshold, only coincident events are detected, leading to erroneous measurements of both particle number and brightness. We propose that in many cases the analysis of weak nanoparticles is best achieved using a fluorescence channel as a trigger.


There is significant interest in using flow cytometry for multiparameter analysis of small biological particles such as B. cell-derived microvesicles (including ectosomes and exosomes), as well as bacteria, viruses and intracellular organelles. 

  • However, the development of validated protocols for this purpose has proven to be challenging, as the results are strongly influenced by variables of pre-analytical sample preparatio  by variations in staining, measurement and analysis procedures, and by differences in instrument performance between different makes and models of flow cytometers and even between the same instrument model. 
  • All of these factors are the subject of active investigations and discussions, which have raised awareness of all the experimental details that can affect the results. We’ve identified one particularly subtle but ubiquitous artifact that we believe deserves attention.
  • In flow cytometry of cells, light scatter, generally a forward angle, is often used to trigger the data acquisition system to take a measurement. Light scatter from cells is usually well resolved from background and there is usually little ambiguity as to the nature of the events detected.
  • As the particle size (diameter) decreases, the light scattering intensity decreases nonlinearly and with measurement angle dependence , so for very small particles the light scattering intensity may not be resolved by random small particles in the shell or sample solution, or by optical or electronic noise of the instrument.
  • The light scattering response of a flow cytometer has often been characterized with uniform polymer beads, leading to the realization that different instruments with different light collection angles perform differently and that side scatter generally has better resolution than forward scatter due to the lower levels of background light scatter orthogonal to the excitation beam.
  • Such studies have also led to the finding that polymer beads are unsuitable as size calibration particles for application to membrane vesicles, as the latter have a lower refractive index, ). Therefore, current best practice seems to be to use polymer beads as reference particles to standardize instrument setup rather than as size standards for calibration.
  • But even when these factors affecting the measurement are recognized, there is a measurement artifact that occurs when light scattering is used to trigger the detection of particles whose light scattering is below the instrument’s noise threshold and whose origin is random. We illustrate this artifact and suggest that fluorescence triggering may be more appropriate for measuring small, dark particles.

Materials and methods

Nile Red microspheres (0.53 µm diameter and 0.11 µm diameter) were from Spherotech. Working solutions of approximately 1 × 10  8  particles/mL were made up in 0.1 μm filtered nanopure water using the mass concentration provided by the vendor and the diameter and density of the particles according to the relationship N = (6 W/3.14 × P × D  3  ) manufactured. × 10  12  particles, where W is the weight of the polymer in grams, P is the polymer density (1.05 for polystyrene), and D is the particle diameter.

Samples were analyzed on a FACSCalibur flow cytometer (BD Biosciences) equipped with a standard laser and filters, using 0.1 µm filtered nanopure water as the sheath fluid. Each sample was run for 60 seconds at a low sample flow, which was determined to be 0.124 µl/second, measured atUse of Accucount counting beads (Spherotech). Samples were measured using either light scatter (FALS plus SSC) or fluorescence (FL2 channel: 488 nm excitation, 585/42 nm bandpass)) triggering and data analyzed using FCS Express 4 (De Novo Software). The fluorescence intensity axis was calibrated using 8-tip Rainbow beads (Spherotech) that had been cross-calibrated with Quantabrite PE beads (BD Biosciences) on this instrument. Data files were deposited in the Flow Cytometry Data Repository (

results and discussion

Measuring small, faint particles often requires working close to the instrument’s noise floor. When detectors are operated at high gain, a sample of the filtered buffer will generate spurious events resulting from electronic or optical noise or signals from particles smaller than the pore size of the filter used.  In typical use, trigger thresholds are set to minimize the frequency of such background events to a minimum level, after which the sample is measured and the data analyzed and reported. However, if care is not taken to perform some necessary control experiments, the reported results may be incorrect. It is instructive to illustrate this issue with a well-understood probe such as fluorescent microspheres.

We used two commercially available fluorescent polymer microspheres with diameters of 530 nm and 110 nm and analyzed them at different particle concentrations using either light scattering or fluorescence channels to trigger detection. A sample of the filtered buffer was used to set the trigger threshold at such a level that the „noise“ event frequency was ~10/second.

AccuCount Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 8.0-12.9µm, 3mL

ACRFP-100-3 Spherotech 3 mL 175 EUR

AccuCount Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 5.0-5.9µm, 10mL

ACURFP-50-10 Spherotech 10 mL 265 EUR

AccuCount Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, Low Intensity, 10^6/mL, 8.0-12.9µm, 3mL

ACRFL-100-3 Spherotech 3 mL 175 EUR

AccuCount Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 3.8 (+/- 0.3)µm, 5mL

ACURFP-38-5 Spherotech 5 mL 170 EUR

AccuCount Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 3.8 (+/- 0.3)µm, 15mL

ACURFP-38-15 Spherotech 15 mL 405 EUR

AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 8.0-12.9µm, 3mL

ACFP-100-3 Spherotech 3 mL 155 EUR

AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, 10^6mL, 7.0-7.9µm, 10mL

ACFP-70-10 Spherotech 10 mL 255 EUR

AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 5.0-5.9µm, 5mL

ACFP-50-5 Spherotech 5 mL 155 EUR

AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 7.0-7.9µm, 5mL

ACFP-70-5 Spherotech 5 mL 155 EUR

AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 25.0µm (+/-2µm), 2.5x10^6/mL, 1mL

ACFP2.5-25056-1 Spherotech 1mL 100 EUR

AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 32µm (+/-2µm), 2.5x10^6/mL, 1mL

ACFP2.5-30056-1 Spherotech 1 mL 100 EUR

AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red,10.0µm (+/-1µm), 2x10^7/mL, 1mL

ACFP20-10056-1 Spherotech 1 mL 75 EUR

AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 15.0µm (+/-2µm), 5x10^6/mL, 1mL

ACFP5-15056-1 Spherotech 1 mL 80 EUR

AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 20.0µm (+/-2µm), 5x10^6/mL, 1mL

ACFP5-20056-1 Spherotech 1 mL 85 EUR

AccuCount Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 7.0µm (+/-1µm), 5x10^7/mL, 1mL

ACFP50-7056-1 Spherotech 1 mL 75 EUR

AccuCount Fluorescent Particle Kit, 5.0-5.9µm, 4X1mL

ACFP-50-4K Spherotech 4X1mL 475 EUR

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles

RFP-38-5 Spherotech 5 mL 188.4 EUR

Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles

SRCP01-35--10A Spherotech 10X1 mL 194.4 EUR

Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles

SRCP01-35--2AK Spherotech 2X1 mL 486 EUR

Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles

SRCP10-35--2A Spherotech 2X1 mL 1497.6 EUR

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles ~3.8µm

BLI610A-1 Polysciences Europe GmbH 1ml 303.48 EUR

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles ~3.8µm

BLI610B-5 Polysciences Europe GmbH 5ml 598.32 EUR

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles ~3.8µm

BLI610C-14 Polysciences Europe GmbH 2x7ml 1153.44 EUR

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles ~10.2µm

BLI611A-1 Polysciences Europe GmbH 1ml 303.48 EUR

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles ~10.2µm

BLI611B-5 Polysciences Europe GmbH 5ml 598.32 EUR

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles ~10.2µm

BLI611C-14 Polysciences Europe GmbH 2x7ml 1153.44 EUR

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 8.1-12.0µm, 2mL

RFP-100-2 Spherotech 2 mL 220 EUR

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 1.8-2.2µm, 5mL

RFP-20-5 Spherotech 5 mL 255 EUR

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 5mL

RFP-30-5 Spherotech 5 mL 265 EUR

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 3.5-4.0µm, 5mL

RFP-35-5 Spherotech 5 mL 265 EUR

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 5.0-5.9µm, 5mL

RFP-50-5 Spherotech 5 mL 275 EUR

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 6.0-6.4µm, 5mL

RFP-60-5 Spherotech 5 mL 275 EUR

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 6.5-8.0µm, 5mL

RFP-70-5 Spherotech 5 mL 275 EUR

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 0.4-0.6µm, 2mL

URFP-05-2 Spherotech 2 mL 260 EUR

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 1.0-1.4µm, 5mL

URFP-10-5 Spherotech 5 mL 260 EUR

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, ~1E10/mL, 0.1-0.3µm, 2mL

URFP-02-2 Spherotech 2 mL 260 EUR

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 4 peaks, 1E7/mL, 0.4-0.6µm, 5mL

RCP-05-5 Spherotech 5mL 270 EUR

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, Mid-Range, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 5mL

RFP-30-5A Spherotech 5X1 mL 265 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 10.0-14.0µm

FPS-10057 Spherotech mL 140 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 13.0-17.9µm

FPS-15057 Spherotech mL 140 EUR

Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, Mid-range, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.59µm, 2mL

SRCP-35-2A Spherotech 2X1 mL 250 EUR

Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, Mid-range, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.59µm, 5mL

SRCP-35-5A Spherotech 5X1 mL 540 EUR

Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, Mid-range, 1E6/mL, 3.0-3.59µm, 10mL

SRCP01-35-10A Spherotech 10mL 125 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 5.0-5.9µm

FPS-5057 Spherotech mL 140 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Ultra Rainbow, 1.0-1.4µm

FPS-1057-UR Spherotech 1.0-1.4µm 140 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Ultra Rainbow, 5.0-5.9µm

FPS-5057-UR Spherotech UR mL 150 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 6 Sizes, 0.5-15.0µm

FPS-M57-6 Spherotech 6 mL 140 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 4 Intensities, 13.0-17.9µm

FPS-15057-4 Spherotech 4 mL 140 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 3 Intensities, 6.0-6.4µm

FPS-6057-3 Spherotech 3 mL 140 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, Level 5 Intensity, 13.0-17.9µm

FPS-15057-L5 Spherotech L5 mL 140 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Ultra Rainbow, 5 intensities, 5.0-5.9µm

FPS-5057-UR5 Spherotech 5.0-5.9µm 150 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 6 Intensities, Log Scale, 3.0-3.4µm

FPS-3057-6 Spherotech 6 mL 140 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, Linear Scale, 5 Intensities, 3.0-3.4µm

FPS-3057-5 Spherotech 5 mL 140 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 5 Intensities in Individual Wells, Log Scale, 3.0-3.4µm

FPS-3057-5LG Spherotech 3.0-3.4µm 250 EUR

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 5 Intensities in Individual Wells, Linear Scale, 3.0-3.4µm

FPS-3057-5LN Spherotech 5LN mL 250 EUR

AccuCount Blank Particles

ACBP-100-10 Cusabio 10 mL 230.4 EUR

Amersham ECL Plex Fluorescent Rainbow Markers 500ul - EACH

RPN851E Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 365.85 EUR

Amersham ECL Plex Fluorescent Rainbow Markers 120 ul - EACH

RPN850E Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 124.2 EUR

AccuCount Blank Particles, 10^6/mL, 13.0-17.9µm, 10mL

ACBP-150-10 Spherotech 10 mL 160 EUR

AccuCount Blank Particles, 10^6/mL, 2.0-2.4µm, 10mL

ACBP-20-10 Spherotech 10 mL 155 EUR

AccuCount Blank Particles, 10^6/mL, 3.0-3.9µm, 10mL

ACBP-30-10 Spherotech 10 mL 150 EUR

AccuCount UltraRainbow Calibration Particles, 25µm(+/-2µm), 2.5x10^6/mL, 5mL

ACURFP2.5-250-5 Spherotech 5mL 325 EUR

AccuCount UltraRainbow Calibration Particles, 32µm(+/-2µm), 2.5x10^6/mL, 1mL

ACURFP2.5-300-1 Spherotech 1mL 100 EUR

AccuCount UltraRainbow Calibration Particles, 32µm(+/-2µm), 2.5x10^6/mL, 5mL

ACURFP2.5-300-5 Spherotech 5mL 325 EUR

AccuCount UltraRainbow Calibration Particles, 20µm(+/-2µm), 5x10^6/mL, 5mL

ACURFP5-200-5 Spherotech 5mL 325 EUR

AccuCount UltraRainbow Calibration Particles, 25.0µm(+/-2µm), 2.5x10^6/mL, 1mL

ACURFP2.5-250-1 Spherotech 1mL 100 EUR

AccuCount UltraRainbow Calibration Particles, 10.0µm(+/-1µm), 2x10^7/mL, 1mL

ACURFP20-100-1 Spherotech 1mL 80 EUR

AccuCount UltraRainbow Calibration Particles, 15.0µm(+/-2µm), 5x10^6/mL, 1mL

ACURFP5-150-1 Spherotech 1mL 80 EUR

AccuCount UltraRainbow Calibration Particles, 20.0µm(+/-2µm), 5x10^6/mL, 1mL

ACURFP5-200-1 Spherotech 1mL 85 EUR

AccuCount UltraRainbow Calibration Particles, 7.0µm(+/-1µm), 5x10^7/mL, 1mL

ACURFP50-70-1 Spherotech 1mL 75 EUR

Fluorescent Particles

FP-10056-10 Spherotech 10 mL 888 EUR

Fluorescent Particles

FP-10056-2A Spherotech 2X1 mL 310.8 EUR

Fluorescent Particles

FP-2054-2 Spherotech 2 mL 230.4 EUR

Fluorescent Particles

FH-10056-10 Spherotech 10 mL 1022.4 EUR

Fluorescent Particles

FH-3056-10 Spherotech 10 mL 802.8 EUR

Amino Fluorescent Particles

AFP-40052-5 Spherotech 5 mL 339.6 EUR

Avidin Fluorescent Particles

VFP-0558-5 Spherotech 5 mL 242.4 EUR

Carboxyl Fluorescent Particles

CFP-0545-2 Spherotech 2 mL 237.6 EUR

Carboxyl Fluorescent Particles

CFP-5079-2 Spherotech 2 mL 261.6 EUR

Carboxyl Fluorescent Particles

CFP-6067-2 Spherotech 2 mL 261.6 EUR

Carboxyl Fluorescent Particles

CFP01-0279--10 Spherotech 10 mL 388.8 EUR

UltraRainbow Fluorescent Particles

URFP-100-10 Spherotech 10 mL 1424.4 EUR

UltraRainbow Fluorescent Particles

URFP-38-10 Spherotech 10 mL 1278 EUR

UltraRainbow Fluorescent Particles

URFP01-30--10K Spherotech 10 mL 554.4 EUR

UltraRainbow Fluorescent Particles

URFP01-30--2K Spherotech 1x2 mL (fluorescent) 486 EUR

Fluorescent PMMA Particles

FPMA-40052--5 Spherotech 5 mL 346.8 EUR

DiMethylAmino Fluorescent Particles

DFP-3062-2 Spherotech 2 mL 261.6 EUR

Protein A Fluorescent Particles

PAFP-40052-5 Spherotech 5 mL 438 EUR

Protein G Fluorescent Particles

PGFP-40052--5 Spherotech 5 mL 438 EUR

Carboxyl Fluorescent Particles Kit

CFX-3552-9K Spherotech 9X1 mL 687.6 EUR

EasyComp Fluorescent Particles Kit

ECFP-K5 Spherotech mL 639.6 EUR

Protein A/G Fluorescent Particles

PAGFP--40052-5 Spherotech 5 mL 438 EUR

Fluorescent Calibration Particles

FCP-3580-2 Spherotech 2 mL 352.8 EUR

Fluorescent Calibration Particles

FCP-7052-5 Spherotech 5 mL 358.8 EUR

Rainbow Calibration Particles

RCP-30-5A-(EUROFLOW) Spherotech 5 (EUROFLOW) mL 376.8 EUR

Rainbow Calibration Particles

RCP-70-5 Spherotech 5 mL 376.8 EUR

EZ-Red? E. coli Fluorescent Particles

M1202-500 Biovision each 411.6 EUR

Rat anti-Ms IgM Fluorescent Particles

MFPIgM-0856--5 Spherotech 5 mL 261.6 EUR

EZ-Green? E. coli Fluorescent Particles

M1201-500 Biovision each 411.6 EUR

EZ-Red? Zymosan A Fluorescent Particles

M1204-500 Biovision each 411.6 EUR

Rabbit IgG (Fc) Coated Fluorescent Particles

RGFcP5--10056-3 Spherotech 3 mL 3806.4 EUR

EZ-Green? Zymosan A Fluorescent Particles

M1203-500 Biovision each 411.6 EUR

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles

FCM-02558--2H Spherotech 2mL 339.6 EUR

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles

FCM-100052--2 Spherotech 2 mL 396 EUR

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles

FCM-1065-2 Spherotech 2 mL 254.4 EUR

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles

FCM-200052--2 Spherotech 2 mL 396 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, UV, 1%w/v, 10.0-14.0µm, 2mL

FP-10040-2 Spherotech 2 mL 220 EUR

Fluorescent UV Particles, 1%w/v, 15.0-19.0µm, 2mL

FP-15040-2 Spherotech 2 mL 245 EUR

Fluorescent Jeffamine Magnetic Particles

FJAM-02556-2 Spherotech 2 mL 267.6 EUR

Gt anti-Ms IgG (H&L) Fluorescent Particles

MFP-0856-5 Spherotech 5 mL 242.4 EUR

Gt anti-Ms IgG (H&L) Fluorescent Particles

MFP-0862-5 Spherotech 5 mL 242.4 EUR

Supra Rainbow Calibration Particles

SRCP-35-2 Spherotech 2 mL 376.8 EUR

Protein A Fluorescent Magnetic Particles

FPAM--100052-4 Spherotech 4 mL 438 EUR

Protein A Fluorescent Magnetic Particles

FPAM--200052-4 Spherotech 4 mL 438 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, CyBlue, 1E7/mL, 8.1-12.0µm, 2mL

FP-10066-2 Spherotech 2 mL 220 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, CyBlue, 1E7/mL, 15.0-19.0µm, 2mL

FP-15066-2 Spherotech 2 mL 245 EUR

Fluorescent Carboxyl FerroMagnetic Particles

FCFM-40052--2 Spherotech 2 mL 384 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Pink, 1%w/v, 0.04-0.09µm, 2mL

FP-00558-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Pink, 1%w/v, 0.4-0.6µm, 2mL

FP-0558-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Pink, 1%w/v, 0.7-0.9µm, 2mL

FP-0858-2 Spherotech 2 mL 150 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Blue, 1%w/v, 0.7-0.9µm, 2mL

FP-0868-2 Spherotech 2 mL 150 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Pink, 1%w/v, 10.0-14.0µm, 2mL

FP-10058-2 Spherotech 2mL 220 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Blue, 1%w/v, 1.7-2.2µm, 2mL

FP-2068-2 Spherotech 2 mL 155 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Pink, 1%w/v, 2.5-3.4µm, 2mL

FP-3058-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Blue, 1%w/v, 2.5-4.5µm, 2mL

FP-3068-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Pink, 1%w/v, 2.5-4.5µm, 2mL

FP-4058-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Pink, 1%w/v, 6.0-8.0µm, 2mL

FP-6058-2 Spherotech 2 mL 180 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, CyGreen, 1E7/mL, 10.0-14.0µm, 2mL

FP-10074-2 Spherotech 2 mL 220 EUR

Glutathione Fluorescent Polystyrene Particles

GSHFP--10067-2 Spherotech 2 mL 352.8 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 0.04-0.09µm, 2mL

FP-00552-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Purple, 1%w/v, 0.04-0.09µm, 2mL

FP-00562-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 0.1-0.3µm, 2mL

FP-0252-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Purple, 1%w/v, 0.1-0.3µm, 2mL

FP-0262-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 0.4-0.6µm, 2mL

FP-0552-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Purple, 1%w/v, 0.4-0.6µm, 2mL

FP-0562-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 0.7-0.9µm, 2mL

FP-0852-2 Spherotech 2 mL 150 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Purple, 1%w/v, 0.7-0.9µm, 2mL

FP-0862-2 Spherotech 2 mL 150 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 10.0-14.0µm, 2mL

FP-10052-2 Spherotech 2 mL 220 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Purple, 1%w/v, 10.0-14.0µm, 2mL

FP-10062-2 Spherotech 2 mL 220 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, PAK Blue, 1E7/mL, 10.0-14.0µm, 2mL

FP-10067-2 Spherotech 2 mL 220 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 15.0-19.0µm, 2mL

FP-15052-2 Spherotech 2 mL 245 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Purple, 1%w/v, 15.0-19.0µm, 2mL

FP-15062-2 Spherotech 2 mL 245 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 1.0-1.9µm, 2mL

FP-1552-2 Spherotech 2 mL 165 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 18.0-24.9µm, 5mL

FP-20052-5 Spherotech 5 mL 245 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 25.0-35.0µm, 5mL

FP-30052-5 Spherotech 5 mL 245 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Purple, 1%w/v, 25.0-35.0µm, 5mL

FP-30062-5 Spherotech 5 mL 245 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 2.5-4.5µm, 2mL

FP-3052-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 2.5-4.5µm, 2mL

FP-4052-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Purple, 1%w/v, 2.5-4.5µm, 2mL

FP-4062-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 5.0-7.9µm, 2mL

FP-6052-2 Spherotech 2 mL 180 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 7.0-7.9µm, 2mL

FP-7052-2 Spherotech 2 mL 180 EUR

Fluorescent Carboxyl Superparamagnetic Particles

FCM-02552--2H Spherotech 2mL 339.6 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Jade Green, 1E7/mL, 10.0-14.0µm, 2mL

FP-10078-2 Spherotech 2 mL 220 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 0.04-0.06µm, 2mL

FP-00556-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Sky Blue, 0.25%w/v, 0.04-0.09µm, 2mL

FP-00570-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 0.1-0.3µm, 2mL

FP-0256-2 Spherotech 2 mL 140 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Sky Blue, 0.25%w/v, 0.1-0.3µm, 2mL

FP-0270-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 0.4-0.6µm, 2mL

FP-0556-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Sky Blue, 1%w/v, 0.4-0.6µm, 2mL

FP-0570-2 Spherotech 2 mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 0.7-0.9µm, 2mL

FP-0856-2 Spherotech 2 mL 150 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Sky Blue, 1%w/v, 0.7-0.9µm, 2mL

FP-0870-2 Spherotech 2 mL 150 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 10.0-14.0µm, 2mL

FP-10056-2 Spherotech 2 mL 220 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Sky Blue, 0.2%w/v, 10.0-14.0µm, 2mL

FP-10070-2 Spherotech 2 mL 220 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 15.0-19.0µm, 2mL

FP-15056-2 Spherotech 2 mL 245 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Sky Blue, 0.2%w/v, 15.0-19.0µm, 2mL

FP-15070-2 Spherotech 2 mL 245 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 18.0-24.9µm, 5mL

FP-20056-5 Spherotech 5 mL 245 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 1.7-2.2µm, 2mL

FP-2056-2 Spherotech 2 mL 155 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Sky Blue, 1%w/v, 1.7-2.2µm, 2mL

FP-2070-2 Spherotech 2 mL 155 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 25.0-35.0µm, 5mL

FP-30056-5 Spherotech 5 mL 245 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 2.5-3.6µm, 2mL

FP-3056-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Sky Blue, 1%w/v, 2.5-4.5µm, 2mL

FP-3070-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 3.6-4.5µm, 2mL

FP-4056-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Sky blue, 0.2%w/v, 2.5-4.5µm, 2mL

FP-4070-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 5.0-7.9µm, 2mL

FP-6056-2 Spherotech 2 mL 180 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Sky Blue, 0.25%w/v, 7.0-8.9µm, 2mL

FP-7070-2 Spherotech 2 mL 180 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Sky Blue, 5%w/v, 90-105µm, 5mL

FP5-100070-5 Spherotech 5mL 615 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Sky Blue, 5%w/v, 70-89µm, 5mL

FP5-80070-5 Spherotech 5mL 615 EUR

UltraRainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1%w/v, 18.0-24.9µm, 5mL

URFP-200-5 Spherotech 5 mL 300 EUR

UltraRainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1%w/v, 25.0-35.0µm, 5mL

URFP-300-5 Spherotech 5 mL 300 EUR

DiagPoly™ Plain Fluorescent PS Particles, UV, 10.0-14.0 µm

DNM-L115 Creative Diagnostics 2 mL 660 EUR

Carboxyl Fluorescent Particles, UV, 1E8/mL, 4.0-4.5µm, 2mL

CFP-4041-2 Spherotech 2 mL 180 EUR

EasyComp Fluorescent Particles, PE, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 1mL

ECFP-F2 Spherotech mL 145 EUR

Avidin Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 0.1% 0.7-0.9µm, 5mL

VFP-0856-5 Spherotech 5 mL 165 EUR

UltraRainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 8.1-12.0µm, 2mL

URFP-100-2 Spherotech 2 mL 295 EUR

UltraRainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 2mL

URFP-30-2 Spherotech 2 mL 260 EUR

UltraRainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 3.5-3.9µm, 2mL

URFP-38-2 Spherotech 2 mL 265 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Blue, 1%w/v, 1.7-2.2µm, 2mL

FP-2065-2 Spherotech 2 mL 155 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Blue, 1%w/v, 2.5-4.5µm, 2mL

FP-3065-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 5.0-7.9µm, 10mL

FP-5056-10 Spherotech 10 mL 695 EUR

EasyComp Fluorescent Particles, APC, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 1mL

ECFP-F6 Spherotech mL 145 EUR

EasyComp Fluorescent Particles, GFP, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 1mL

ECFP-F9 Spherotech mL 175 EUR

UltraRainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 20mL

URFP-30-20 Spherotech 20 mL 2045 EUR

Amino Fluorescent Particles, Pink, 1%w/v, 0.4-0.6µm, 2mL

AFP-0558-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Amino Fluorescent Particles, Pink , 1%w/v, 0.7-0.9µm, 2mL

AFP-0858-2 Spherotech 2 mL 175 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Jade Green, 1%w/v, 0.7-0.9µm, 2mL

FP-0878-2 Spherotech 2 mL 150 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Ocean Blue, 1%w/v, 2.5-4.5µm, 2mL

FP-3069-2 Spherotech 2 mL 160 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Ocean Blue, 0.2%w/v, 5.0-7.9µm, 2mL

FP-6069-2 Spherotech 2 mL 180 EUR

EasyComp Fluorescent Particles, FITC, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 1mL

ECFP-F1 Spherotech mL 145 EUR

Fluorescent Particles, Pink/Yellow, 1%w/v, 2.5-5.0µm, 2mL

FP-3055-2 Spherotech 2 mL 180 EUR

Biotin Fluorescent Particles, Pink, 0.1%w/v, 0.7-0.9µm, 5mL

TFP-0858-5 Spherotech 5 mL 165 EUR

Biotin Fluorescent Particles, Pink, 0.1%w/v, 1.7-2.2µm, 5mL

TFP-2058-5 Spherotech 5 mL 225 EUR

Biotin Fluorescent Particles, Blue, 0.1%w/v, 3.0-3.9µm, 5mL

TFP-3067-5 Spherotech 5 mL 225 EUR

Biotin Fluorescent Particles, Pink, 0.1%w/v, 5.0-5.9µm, 5mL

TFP-5058-5 Spherotech 5 mL 225 EUR

Biotin Fluorescent Particles, Blue, 0.1%w/v, 5.0-5.9µm, 5mL

TFP-5067-5 Spherotech 5 mL 225 EUR

Avidin Fluorescent Particles, Pink, 0.1%w/v, 1.7-2.2µm, 5mL

VFP-2058-5 Spherotech 5 mL 225 EUR

EasyComp Fluorescent Particles, Blank, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 5mL

ECFP-B Spherotech mL 145 EUR

EasyComp Fluorescent Particles, PerCP, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 1mL

ECFP-F8 Spherotech mL 145 EUR

As shown, the 530 nm particle is readily detected in both light scattering and fluorescence channels and using a dual channel trigger threshold (FSC and SSC) or a single channel trigger threshold (fluorescence) (grey dashed lines). Individual beads are clearly visible in both the side scatter and orange fluorescence channels, yielding an absolute fluorescence intensity value of 4900 MESF-PE with both triggering methods. Coincident events that are approximately twice as bright are also easily identified in both the SSC and fluorescence channels. Neither the light scatter nor the fluorescence distributions change when the sample is diluted, although it is evident that the fluorescence signals are more clearly resolved from background than the light scatter signals.

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