Die posttranslationale Modifikation durch kleine Ubiquitin-ähnliche Modifikatoren (SUMO) wird mit einer wachsenden Zahl regulatorischer Funktionen in verschiedenen zellulären Prozessen in Verbindung gebracht. Die biochemische Untersuchung der zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen hinkt jedoch hinterher, da es schwierig ist, ausreichende Mengen rekombinanter SUMOylierter Proteine herzustellen. Hier stellen wir zwei neu entwickelte Zweikomponenten-Vektorsysteme für die Expression und Reinigung von SUMO-modifizierten Zielproteinen in Escherichia coli vor . Ein System besteht aus einem Vektor für die SUMO-Konjugation, der humane SUMO-aktivierende (SAE1/SAE2) und konjugierende (Ubc9) Enzyme zusammen mit His 6 exprimiert-getaggte SUMO1, 2 oder 3, die mit häufig verwendeten Expressionskonstrukten für jedes interessierende Gen kombiniert werden können.
Um die SUMOylierung von Zielen zu erleichtern, die normalerweise eine SUMO-E3-Ligase für eine effiziente Modifikation benötigen, wird ein zweites System entwickelt, um das Zielprotein als Fusion mit dem humanen SUMO-konjugierenden Enzym Ubc9 zu exprimieren und so das Fehlen einer potenziellen SUMO-Ligase zu kompensieren. Wir demonstrieren die Leistungsfähigkeit dieser Systeme durch SUMOylierung von zwei DNA-Reparaturproteinen, der Thymin-DNA-Glykosylase (TDG) und XRCC1, und beschreiben Reinigungsschemata für SUMOylierte Proteine in nativer und aktiver Form. Diese SUMO-Toolbox erleichtert die Produktion und Reinigung rekombinanter SUMO-modifizierter Zielproteine für die Funktions- und Strukturanalyse „in der Zelle“ und „im Extrakt“.
Die posttranslationale Modifikation durch Ubiquitin-ähnliche Polypeptide, sogenannte UBLs, betrifft eine Vielzahl von Proteinen und reguliert dadurch eine Vielzahl zellulärer Prozesse . Die SUMO-Peptide (kleine Ubiquitin-ähnliche Modifikatoren) stellen eine prominente Unterfamilie der UBLs dar und existieren in Säugerzellen in vier verschiedenen Isoformen (SUMO1, SUMO2, SUMO3 und SUMO4), die jeweils von einem anderen Gen kodiert werden. Obwohl sich diese SUMOs bis zu einem gewissen Grad in ihren Aminosäuresequenzen unterscheiden – SUMO2 und SUMO3 haben eine Sequenzidentität von 97 % miteinander und etwa 50 % mit SUMO1 – zeigen sie alle eine hohe 3D-Strukturähnlichkeit. SUMOs werden, wie alle UBLs, durch eine Sequenz von enzymatischen Reaktionen, die denen der Ubiquitin-Konjugation ähneln, an ihre Zielproteine gebunden , wobei ein heterodimeres aktivierendes Enzym E1 (SAE1/SAE2), ein einzelnes konjugierendes Enzym E2 (Ubc9 ) und in einigen Fällen eine E3-Proteinligase ( 1A ).
SUMO selbst wird zunächst als Vorläuferpeptid synthetisiert, das dann durch eine SUMO-spezifische Isopeptidase (Sentrin-spezifische Proteasen; SenPs) getrimmt wird, um ein internes Glycin-Glycin (GG)-Motiv am C-Terminus freizulegen. Die Carboxylgruppe dieses reifen SUMO-Peptids wird dann ATP-abhängig über einen Thioester an einen Cysteinrest in SAE2 gebunden. Anschließend wird das aktivierte SUMO auf einen Cysteinrest des SUMO-konjugierenden Enzyms Ubc9übertragen . Ubc9 kann Substratproteine direkt erkennen und die Bildung einer Peptidbindung katalysieren, die die C-terminale Carboxylgruppe von SUMO und eine ε-Aminogruppe eines Ziel-Lysins innerhalb des SUMOylierungs-Konsensusmotivs ΨKxE (Ψ, hydrophober Rest; x, irgendein Rest) des Substratproteins.
Although research into protein SUMOylation has identified a large number of targets over recent years, there is limited insight into the functional consequences of the modification.
Investigations into the immediate biochemical and structural impact of SUMO modification have been a challenge due to difficulties in producing SUMO-modified proteins in sufficient amounts and homogeneity. Enrichment of native endogenous SUMOylated proteins by cell fractionation is generally limited by the low abundance of such proteins and the action of efficient SUMO proteases . In vitro modification of enriched target proteins with recombinant SUMOylation enzymes is a more promising approach, typically yielding mixtures of modified and unmodified target proteins contaminated with the SUMOylation enzymes, hence requiring subsequent purification steps. Also, co-expression of SUMO targets with SUMO1 and SUMO-activating and -conjugating enzymes of different origin (human, mouse, Xenopus laevis) in E.coli was shown to produce SUMO-modified protein , but in our experience, the yields of specifically modified proteins were often poor, impeding efficient purification and subsequent biochemical analysis
To streamline the production of homogeneously SUMOylated recombinant proteins for biochemical and structural studies, we set out to establish an optimized and versatile SUMOylation system, coupling efficient SUMO-conjugation with affinity purification of modified target proteins. We designed and experimentally validated two alternative two-component vector systems for simultaneous expression of mature SUMO1, 2 or 3 polypeptides, SUMO-E1, SUMO-E2 and a target protein of interest in E.coli.
In contrast to previous approaches, we used SUMOylation enzymes of human origin only, physically separated the SAE1 and SAE2 E1 subunits and added a protease-cleavable His6-tag to the SUMOs to facilitate purification of modified protein. To overcome a possible rate limitation by the absence of an appropriate SUMO-E3 ligase in the E.coli system, one system is designed to express the target protein as fusion to the SUMO-conjugating enzyme Ubc9, a strategy that was successfully applied for SUMOylation of ectopically expressed p53 and STAT1 in HEK293, HeLa, COS-7 and CHO cells . We evaluated these newly developed vector systems with the DNA base excision repair (BER) enzymes thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG) and XRCC1.
Recombinant Human CTRB1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-50mg |
QP10565-50mg | EnQuireBio | 50mg | 675.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTRB1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10565-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTRB1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10mg |
QP10565-10mg | EnQuireBio | 10mg | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human Trypsin-2 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-50mg |
QP10899-50mg | EnQuireBio | 50mg | 675.6 EUR |
Recombinant E.coli LACTB Protein, Untagged, E.coli-50mg |
QP12522-50mg | EnQuireBio | 50mg | 4386 EUR |
Recombinant Bovine HTF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-50mg |
QP12351-50mg | EnQuireBio | 50mg | 186 EUR |
Recombinant other Urease Protein, Untagged, E.coli-50mg |
QP10907-50mg | EnQuireBio | 50mg | 1251.6 EUR |
Recombinant other Atosiban Protein, Untagged, E.coli-50mg |
QP11102-50mg | EnQuireBio | 50mg | 261.6 EUR |
Recombinant other Exenatide Protein, Untagged, E.coli-50mg |
QP11816-50mg | EnQuireBio | 50mg | 2829.6 EUR |
Recombinant other Terlipressin Protein, Untagged, E.coli-50mg |
QP13723-50mg | EnQuireBio | 50mg | 435.6 EUR |
Recombinant Rat Carboxypeptidase B Protein, Untagged, E.coli-50mg |
QP10544-50mg | EnQuireBio | 50mg | 620.4 EUR |
CTRB1 (untagged)-Human chymotrypsinogen B1 (CTRB1) |
SC122612 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Human OT Protein, Untagged, E.coli-25mg |
QP12937-25mg | EnQuireBio | 25mg | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human OT Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5mg |
QP12937-5mg | EnQuireBio | 5mg | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human OT Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100mg |
QP12937-100mg | EnQuireBio | 100mg | 544.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human OCT Protein, Untagged, E.coli-25mg |
QP12920-25mg | EnQuireBio | 25mg | 1154.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human NMM Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10792-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 4963.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human PEX Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10811-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 4963.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human PTH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10855-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 1034.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human BD5 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11149-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human BPI Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11198-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 6301.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human CA3 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11248-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 2774.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human CKB Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11435-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 6301.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human CRP Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11513-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 469.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human CRP Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5mg |
QP11513-5mg | EnQuireBio | 5mg | 1698 EUR |
Recombinant Human IL5 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP1177-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 4983.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human En Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10ug |
QP11784-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 663.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human OCT Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12920-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human OCT Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5mg |
QP12920-5mg | EnQuireBio | 5mg | 337.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human TNC Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP13766-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 1154.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human TSN Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP13828-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 4386 EUR |
Recombinant Human LIF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP2835-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3189.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human IHH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP5308-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3189.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human Myo Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12775-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 1154.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human NGB Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12840-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 6301.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human HGF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12228-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human TRH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100mg |
QP13814-100mg | EnQuireBio | 100mg | 381.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human TRH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250mg |
QP13814-250mg | EnQuireBio | 250mg | 675.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human TRH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500mg |
QP13814-500mg | EnQuireBio | 500mg | 980.4 EUR |
Recombinant Bovine ATF Protein, Untagged, -50mg |
QP11095-50mg | EnQuireBio | 50mg | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human En Protein, Untagged, E.coli-2ug |
QP11784-2ug | EnQuireBio | 2ug | 294 EUR |
Recombinant Human En Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5ug |
QP11784-5ug | EnQuireBio | 5ug | 403.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human LIF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10360-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 1120.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human LIF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10360-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 1947.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human PTH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10855-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 316.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human PTH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP10855-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 675.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human CRP Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP11513-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 337.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human EDN3 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10mg |
QP11747-10mg | EnQuireBio | 10mg | 2818.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human IL5 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP1177-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 3069.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human TNC Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP13766-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human LTA Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP1387-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 1185.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human LTA Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP1387-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 2077.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human LIF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP2835-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 1992 EUR |
Recombinant Human IHH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP5308-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 1992 EUR |
Recombinant Human LHRH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10mg |
QP12569-10mg | EnQuireBio | 10mg | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human LHRH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-25mg |
QP12569-25mg | EnQuireBio | 25mg | 218.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human Myo Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP12775-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human IHH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10186-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 1142.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human IHH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10186-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 1947.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human IL5 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10312-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 1675.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human IL5 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10312-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 2948.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTRB1 protein |
MBS1562204-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 320 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTRB1 protein |
MBS1562204-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 410 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTRB1 protein |
MBS1562204-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1520 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTRB1 Protein |
MBS8248874-001mg | MyBiosource | 0.01mg | 235 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTRB1 Protein |
MBS8248874-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 510 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTRB1 Protein |
MBS8248874-05mg | MyBiosource | 0.5mg | 2210 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTRB1 Protein |
MBS8248874-5x05mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.5mg | 9850 EUR |
Recombinant Human LIF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-25ug |
QP10360-ec-25ug | EnQuireBio | 25ug | 348 EUR |
Recombinant Human BRAK Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10538-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human CDNF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10547-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTF1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10564-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 5680.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human GDF7 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10628-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 5680.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human GHRH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10643-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human GHRH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5mg |
QP10643-5mg | EnQuireBio | 5mg | 555.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human GLUL Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10646-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 6301.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human IGF1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10680-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 349.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human NMM Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10ug |
QP10792-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human NNT1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10794-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 5680.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human PEX Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10ug |
QP10811-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human PIN1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10820-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3427.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human PPIH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10830-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 4386 EUR |
Recombinant Human RLN3 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10859-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human TACI Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10873-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 5680.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human TGFA Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP10875-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 1263.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human ATF3 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11098-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human ATF4 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11099-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 6301.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human BAG1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11124-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 2774.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human BCL2 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11142-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human BD5 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-20ug |
QP11149-20ug | EnQuireBio | 20ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human BPI Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10ug |
QP11198-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human CA3 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-20ug |
QP11248-20ug | EnQuireBio | 20ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human CANX Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11271-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 2230.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human CKB Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10ug |
QP11435-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human CKS2 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11439-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human CLPP Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11451-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 6301.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human CRP Protein, Untagged, E.coli-20ug |
QP11514-20ug | EnQuireBio | 20ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human EDN3 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11747-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 435.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human EDN3 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5mg |
QP11747-5mg | EnQuireBio | 5mg | 1665.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human ENHO Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11787-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 6301.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human FDX1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11864-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3667.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human FEN1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11866-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 4386 EUR |
Recombinant Human FGF4 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP5343-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3427.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human NTF4 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP5345-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 5942.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human CNTF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP5371-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3427.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTGF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP5373-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 4027.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human GDF5 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP5375-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 1633.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human PSPN Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP5382-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3427.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human OTOR Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12938-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 4287.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human PNMT Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP13083-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 2774.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human RAC1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP13249-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 2230.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human RAC2 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP13250-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 4386 EUR |
Recombinant Human RBP4 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP13283-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 4386 EUR |
Recombinant Human RHEB Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP13313-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 2230.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human RXRA Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP13378-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 2230.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human SNCB Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP13536-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 2350.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human ST13 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP13601-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 2230.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human TBCA Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP13695-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human TNC Protein, Untagged, E.coli-20ug |
QP13766-20ug | EnQuireBio | 20ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human TSFM Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP13825-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human TSN Protein, Untagged, E.coli-20ug |
QP13828-20ug | EnQuireBio | 20ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human LTA Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10ug |
QP1387-ec-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 184.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human LTA Protein, Untagged, E.coli-50ug |
QP1387-ec-50ug | EnQuireBio | 50ug | 348 EUR |
Recombinant Human BDNF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP5220-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 5942.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human GDNF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP5221-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 5942.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human IL25 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP5273-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3427.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human TSLP Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP5289-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 5942.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human FGF8 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP5301-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3427.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human KLF4 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12498-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 6301.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human MIA2 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12694-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human Myo Protein, Untagged, E.coli-20ug |
QP12775-20ug | EnQuireBio | 20ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human NGB Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10ug |
QP12840-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human NME2 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12855-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 2774.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human NRAS Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12877-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 6301.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human FGF6 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP11872-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human GDA Protein, Untagged, E.coli-50ug |
QP11946-50ug | EnQuireBio | 50ug | 1393.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human GMFB Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12004-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 5680.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human GMFG Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12006-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3308.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human GYG1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12070-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3667.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human HDGF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1mg |
QP12205-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 4386 EUR |
Recombinant Human HGF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-20ug |
QP12228-20ug | EnQuireBio | 20ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human IHH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-25ug |
QP10186-ec-25ug | EnQuireBio | 25ug | 348 EUR |
Recombinant Human IL5 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10ug |
QP10312-ec-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 348 EUR |
Recombinant Human LHRH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100mg |
QP12569-100mg | EnQuireBio | 100mg | 469.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human LIF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5ug |
QP10360-ec-5ug | EnQuireBio | 5ug | 184.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human NMM Protein, Untagged, E.coli-2ug |
QP10792-2ug | EnQuireBio | 2ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human PEX Protein, Untagged, E.coli-2ug |
QP10811-2ug | EnQuireBio | 2ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human BD5 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5ug |
QP11149-5ug | EnQuireBio | 5ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human BPI Protein, Untagged, E.coli-2ug |
QP11198-2ug | EnQuireBio | 2ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human CA3 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5ug |
QP11248-5ug | EnQuireBio | 5ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human CKB Protein, Untagged, E.coli-2ug |
QP11435-2ug | EnQuireBio | 2ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human CRP Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5ug |
QP11514-5ug | EnQuireBio | 5ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human TSN Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5ug |
QP13828-5ug | EnQuireBio | 5ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human NGB Protein, Untagged, E.coli-2ug |
QP12840-2ug | EnQuireBio | 2ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human GDA Protein, Untagged, E.coli-1ug |
QP11946-1ug | EnQuireBio | 1ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human GDA Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5ug |
QP11946-5ug | EnQuireBio | 5ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human HGF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5ug |
QP12228-5ug | EnQuireBio | 5ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human IHH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-5ug |
QP10186-ec-5ug | EnQuireBio | 5ug | 184.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human IL5 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-2ug |
QP10312-ec-2ug | EnQuireBio | 2ug | 184.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human TSLP Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10350-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 2013.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human TSLP Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10350-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 3547.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human FGF9 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10380-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 1228.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human FGF9 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10380-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 2100 EUR |
Recombinant Human NTF4 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10412-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 2013.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human NTF4 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10412-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 3547.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human CNTF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10413-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 1185.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human CNTF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10413-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 2077.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human NRG1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10414-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 630 EUR |
Recombinant Human NRG1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10414-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 1077.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human GDNF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10417-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 2013.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human GDNF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10417-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 3547.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human PSPN Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10423-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 1185.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human PSPN Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10423-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 2077.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human GHRH Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10643-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human IGF1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10680-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 186 EUR |
Recombinant Human IGF1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP10680-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human TGFA Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10875-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 241.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human FGF4 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP5343-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 2133.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human NTF4 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP5345-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 3645.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human CNTF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP5371-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 2133.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTGF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP5373-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 598.8 EUR |
Recombinant Human CTGF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP5373-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 2492.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human GDF5 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP5375-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 435.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human GDF5 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP5375-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 991.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human PSPN Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP5382-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 2133.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human BDNF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP5220-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 849.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human BDNF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP5220-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 3645.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human GDNF Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP5221-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 3645.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human IL25 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP5273-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 588 EUR |
Recombinant Human IL25 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP5273-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 2133.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human TSLP Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP5289-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 3645.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human FGF8 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP5301-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 588 EUR |
Recombinant Human FGF8 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-500ug |
QP5301-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 2133.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human FGF4 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP5343-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 588 EUR |
Recombinant Human MICB Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10173-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 1413.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human MICB Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10173-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 2480.4 EUR |
Recombinant Human XCL1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-100ug |
QP10221-ec-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 1185.6 EUR |
Recombinant Human XCL1 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-250ug |
QP10221-ec-250ug | EnQuireBio | 250ug | 2077.2 EUR |
Recombinant Human TSLP Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10ug |
QP10350-ec-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 348 EUR |
Recombinant Human FGF4 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-25ug |
QP10378-ec-25ug | EnQuireBio | 25ug | 348 EUR |
Recombinant Human FGF9 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-20ug |
QP10380-ec-20ug | EnQuireBio | 20ug | 348 EUR |
Recombinant Human NTF4 Protein, Untagged, E.coli-10ug |
QP10412-ec-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 348 EUR |
TDG is a well-studied SUMO target; SUMO modification of TDG was shown to effect conformational changes that promote enzymatic turnover and may also regulate the subcellular localization. XRCC1 acts as central scaffold factor in BER and was identified as a putative SUMO target in an in vitro screening approach. It was found SUMOylated in HeLa cells following heat shock treatment, but the function of this modification remains to be elucidated.
We assessed the efficiency and specificity of SUMO modification of these proteins in our recombinant systems as well as the proficiency of the purification procedure to generate biologically active SUMO proteins. Finally, we provide guidance to optimize the experimental setup and conditions for the SUMOylation of any target protein in bacteria, discussing the use of the different SUMOylation vectors and expression strategies for “in-cell” or “in-extract” SUMOylation.